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Disclosure of Client Confidences or Secrets in Compliance With the Outside Counsel Guidelines of Another Client; Advance Agreement to Withdraw from Representation in the Event of a “Midstream” Conflict

没有知情同意, 澳门赌场官网一般不得向客户或潜在客户披露受规则1保护的另一客户或潜在客户的信息.6或规则1.18.  Such information includes all confidences 和 secrets, as defined in 规则1.6, 这通常包括另一个客户或潜在客户的身份以及其他客户或潜在客户事务的性质.  甚至要求或同意承诺披露这些信息, 无论是根据外部法律顾问指南还是其他, 可能构成对他人违反的禁止诱因, 或者企图违反, 《职业行为准则.

规则1.7(d), 和 not an advance agreement between one client 和 its outside lawyer, governs whether the lawyer must withdraw from a representation if a “midstream” conflict arises.

也, 澳门赌场官网不得允许委托人接触澳门赌场官网的记录,如果这种接触可能泄露其他委托人的机密或秘密.


  • 1.6(信息保密)
  • 1.7(d)(一般而言的利益冲突)
  • 1.16(拒绝或终止代表)
  • 1.18(b)(对潜在客户的责任)
  • 8.4 (a)(行为)


近年来, numerous 问题s have arisen regarding the relationship between outside counsel 和 their clients or prospective clients.  这些问题经常出现在聘书的背景下, 外部澳门赌场官网指引, 或类似的事业(集体), “ocg”)由大型机构客户生成.  此类监察小组有时需要外部法律顾问, 作为合同的一部分, 从事:从事或不从事特定的行为或行为.

OCGs may raise 问题s regarding information that is protected under the D.C. 《职业行为规则》(“D.C. 规则”或“规则”).  举个例子, lawyers or law firms may be asked to agree 作为合同的一部分 to advise a client, 或征得客户同意, before the lawyer or law firm agrees to represent a competitor of the client in an unrelated matter not involving the client.  有时这样的要求延伸到 问题 当事人可能会感兴趣, 即使潜在客户不是请求客户的竞争对手,请求客户也不涉及潜在的事项.  例如,这些类型的问题甚至可能在澳门赌场官网和潜在客户建立澳门赌场官网-客户关系之前就出现了, when a prospective client is interviewing lawyers for possible retention.  Importantly, these are representations that would not constitute conflicts of interest under the D.C. 规则.1

Whether lawyers may request, or agree to, such commitments is beyond the scope of this opinion. The 法律道德 Committee is issuing this opinion principally to remind lawyers that in the absence of informed consent,2 解析:选D.C. 规则 prohibit disclosure of a client’s protected information in connection with such a request or commitment, (2)同意披露或有意要求披露该等信息,即使最终未披露,也可能构成违反本规则的行为.

The Committee also has examined the propriety of two additional requirements found in some OCGs, 即:(1)如果出现所谓的中游冲突,外部澳门赌场官网必须退出代理另一个当前客户;(2)允许客户审计澳门赌场官网的记录.


D.C. 规则 strike a balance between allowing clients 和 lawyers latitude to contract with one another as they see fit, 一方面,一方面, 保护法律实践的基本要素, 另一方面.  These essential elements include confidentiality of specified client information.

除了一些例外,规则1.6 prohibits a lawyer from revealing a “confidence” or “secret” of a client3 as well as from using such information “for the advantage of the lawyer or of a third person.”4 规则1.18(b) provides similar protection for confidences 和 secrets of a prospective client. “Confidences” are information protected by the attorney-client privilege.5 “秘密”被广泛定义为“客户要求保密的在专业关系中获得的其他信息”, 否则泄露出来会很尴尬, 或者可能是有害的, 致客户端.”6

例如,既不是机密也不是秘密的信息, “无害或无懈可击”的信息7 以及“众所周知”的前客户信息8 -不受规则1的保护.6和1.18. 请注意, 然而, that “the lawyer must err on the side of protecting information where any doubt exists” whether it qualifies as a confidence or secret.9


客户的身份受规则1的保护.至少在披露可能对客户不利的情况下.10 对待潜在客户也是如此.11 The nature of the representation or prospective representation also is a protected secret12 在某些情况下也可能是一种信心.

Absent the informed consent of the affected client or prospective client, disclosure of that person’s identity or the 问题s on which the lawyer is representing that person would violate 规则1.6、规则1.18, 或者在客户或潜在客户要求信息不受侵犯的情况下,或者在披露信息将使客户或潜在客户感到尴尬或可能有害的情况下.

因此,为客户聘请外部澳门赌场官网 A 平时可能不会透露给 A 澳门赌场官网的客户或潜在客户的身份 B,或…的性质 B除非规则1的例外允许,否则不属于法律问题.6.  Typically, the only potentially applicable exception will be “with the informed consent of [B].“这种同意可能不会在哪里出现 AB 是竞争者还是在哪里? B 不希望其聘请的澳门赌场官网被披露.  此外, 放弃保密“不能从放弃利益冲突中暗示出来”,如果受到质疑,则须接受“特别审查”.13

同意披露此类信息的澳门赌场官网有违反D.C. 规则8.(a)即使她实际上从未披露受保护的信息, as that rule prohibits not only violations of the 规则 but also attempts to violate them.14

此外, 如果一名内部澳门赌场官网与OCG达成协议,要求外部澳门赌场官网违反规则,那么他自己可能会受到纪律处分:“澳门赌场官网违反规则是职业上的不端行为 . . . 故意 . . . 诱使他人[违反规则].”15 事实上, even seeking such an agreement might constitute a prohibited attempt to violate the 规则 or to induce another to do so.16 进一步, an in-house lawyer cannot avoid the restrictions discussed in this opinion by having a non-lawyer request such an agreement, as violating the 规则 “through the act of another” is prohibited as well.17

也就是说, 如果内部澳门赌场官网对其他客户信息的要求是以符合《澳门赌场官网》关于客户机密和秘密的限制为条件的,则不得诱导或企图违反规定. (如果存在利益冲突, 如果外部澳门赌场官网为了寻求知情同意而不得不披露另一位客户的机密或秘密,她将不得不拒绝提议的代理.18 此外, 一名澳门赌场官网向另一名澳门赌场官网进行询问,如果她有理由相信她的询问不会得到受规则1保护的信息,则不构成诱导或企图违反规则.6或规则1.18.


委员会注意到的另一种OCG要求,如果出现所谓的中游冲突,澳门赌场官网必须退出代理另一名现有客户.  中游冲突是在陈述开始后发生的冲突,并且“在陈述开始时无法合理预见”.”19 在这种情况下, “澳门赌场官网不需要退出任何代理,除非冲突[会对其中一个代理产生不利影响].”20 没有这种不利影响的, 在这种情况下,如果澳门赌场官网提出退出代理会“对委托人的利益产生重大不利影响”,则澳门赌场官网不得退出,除非属于规则1所列的特殊情况之一.见第16(b)(1)至(5)条.21 Thus, an advance agreement to make such a withdrawal may contravene 规则1.7(d).


法律监督小组要求允许客户审计澳门赌场官网的记录,也可能涉及保护客户机密的规定.  This depends not only upon the breadth of the OCG but also the nature of the lawyer’s record keeping systems.


客户端有权使用其整个文件, with a narrow exception for lawyer work product in some instances where full payment of fees has not been made.22 这是天壤之别, 然而, 从"完全接触"到澳门赌场官网的记录, which is not permitted where such access might reveal confidences or secrets of other clients (e.g., if the lawyer’s electronic records are stored on an information system with relatively open architecture).


没有知情同意, 澳门赌场官网一般不得向客户或潜在客户披露另一客户或潜在客户的信息,这些信息在规则1下属于受保护的秘密或机密.6或规则1.18.  Such information often includes (1) the identity of another client or prospective client, (2)对方事物的性质. 甚至要求或同意承诺披露这些信息, 无论是根据外部法律顾问指南还是其他方式, may constitute a prohibited attempt or inducement to another to violate the 规则.

规则1.7(d)和1.16, 和 not an advance agreement between one client 和 its outside counsel, govern whether a lawyer must—or may—withdraw from her representation of another client if a “midstream” conflict arises.

最后, 澳门赌场官网不得允许委托人接触澳门赌场官网的记录,如果这种接触可能泄露其他委托人的机密或秘密.



1. 看到 D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.7(一般冲突规则). 虽然现在的D.C. 规则 permit a lawyer 和 her client to exp和—arguably without limit—规则1.对于利益冲突的定义,D.C. 酒吧建议D.C. 上诉法院取消了这一无限制的规定,并将利益冲突的定义限制为规则中明确规定的定义. D.C. 好吧,教授的规则. 进行检讨通讯.,向理事会报告,建议修改d.C. RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT RELATING TO CLIENT-GENERATED ENGAGEMENT LETTERS AND OUTSIDE COUNSEL GUIDELINES (Jan. 2022) at 4-12, 23-26
(http://6w31.joyerianicaragua.com/getmedia/a2fed463-f33e-4155-82e4-3622e1e37afb/Report-of-OCGs-2022-Final-Transmittal-to-The DCCA)
2. 看到 D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.6(e)(1). “‘知情同意’是指在澳门赌场官网就所建议的行为过程的重大风险和合理可行的替代方案传达了充分的信息和解释之后,当事人同意所建议的行为过程.” D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.0(e).
3. D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.6(a)(1).
4. D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.6(a)(3).
5. D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.6(b).
6. Id.
7. D.C. 澳门赌场官网公会法律操守课. 312 (2002).
8. D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.6, cmt. [10]. 美国澳门赌场官网协会道德与职业责任常务委员会解释说,“众所周知”是指“在相关地理区域或行业内被公众广泛认可” . . . 在前客户所在行业得到广泛认可, 职业, 或者贸易”,而不仅仅是, 说, 在公开法庭上被提及, 公开记录, 或者是公共图书馆提供的文件. 美国澳门赌场官网协会正式道德课程. 479 (2017); see N.Y. 州澳门赌场官网事务所. 1088¶8(2016)(讨论已知信息的示例). The fact that information appears in a public filing somewhere does not ipso facto remove such data from the “secrets” category. D.C. 澳门赌场官网公会法律操守课. 246 (1994).
9. D.C. 澳门赌场官网公会法律操守课. 312 (2002).
10. In re Hager, 812 A.2d 904, 920 (D.C. 2002); accord ABA Formal Op. 480 at 2 (2018); ELLEN J. 班尼特 & 海伦W. GUNNARSSON, ANNOTATED MODEL RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT 112-13 (9th ed. 2019)(“注释示范规则”).
11. D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.18(b); accord D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.6, cmt. [9]; ANNOTATED MODEL RULES 312-13.
12. 看到 N.Y. 州澳门赌场官网事务所.720(1999)(解释N.Y. 规则1的版本.6).
13. D.C. 澳门赌场官网公会法律操守课. 309 n. 10 (2001).
14. 参见In re Fink, 22 A.3d 461(续. 2011)(对收取不合理费用的澳门赌场官网的处罚, 即使澳门赌场官网没有试图收集它).
15. D.C. R. 教授. 进行8.4(a); 参见In re Asher, 772 A.2d 1161 (D.C. 2001)(诱使另一名澳门赌场官网向法庭撒谎); 关于艾萨克森, 860 N.W.2d 490(威斯康星. 2015) (directing other lawyer to file court documents containing false 和 offensive statements).
16. 看到芬克, 22 A.3d 461.
17. D.C. R. 教授. 进行8.4(a)
18. D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.7, cmt. [27]; D.C. 澳门赌场官网公会法律操守课. 312 n. 9 (2002).
19. D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.7(d).
20. D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.7(d).
21. 看到 D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.16(b).
22. D.C. R. 教授. 进行1.8(i), 1.16(d); D.C. 法律伦理课. 333 (2005); D.C. 法律伦理课. 250 (1994); D.C. 法律伦理课. 230 (1992).
